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Attacchi informatici di un settembre “relativamente tranquillo”: 35.566.046 record compromessi
Redazione RHC : 22 Ottobre 2022 08:00
Sul noto forum underground di criminali informatici Breach Forums è apparso un post molto interessante, dove veniva pubblicata una analisi sulle violazioni del mese di settembre 2022.
Nel post veniva riportato che rispetto ad agosto di questo anno, il mese di settembre è stato relativamente tranquillo, poiché sono stati rilevati 88 incidenti di sicurezza informaticadivulgati pubblicamente per un totale di 35.566.046 record compromessi.
Il post riporta una lunga lista di organizzazioni violate, suddivise in
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per richiedere informazioni dicendo che hai trovato il numero sulle pagine di Red Hot Cyber
Indian firm Swachhta City Platforms hit by criminal hackers (16,457,744)
Hacker breaches Fast Company systems to send offensive Apple News notifications (unknown)
The Coeur Group notifies patients of security breach (2,020)
Brazil’s Mimoso do Sul reports cyber attack (unknown)
Eight Shangri-La hotels in Asia hit by security breach (290,000)
Mexico confirms hack of military records, president’s health information (unknown)
Costa Rica’s Junta De Proteccion Social hit by ransomware (unknown)
Former students and staff at Savannah College of Art and Design affected by security incident (unknown)
Ransomware attack takes down L.A. Unified school district (unknown)
Brazil’s National Fund for Educational Development struck with ransomware (unknown)
Ourique Municipality targeted by ransomware attack (unknown)
Fruit supplier Lacalera victim of ransomware attack (unknown)
Bardstown confirms ransomware hack (unknown)
OakBend Medical Center hit by ransomware (unknown)
Alegria Family Services hit in ransomware attack (unknown)
Buenos Aires legislature announces ransomware attack (unknown)
Empress EMS in New York says it was struck by ransomware (318,558)
Suffolk County struggles to recover from BlackCat ransomware attack (unknown)
NYSARC Columbia County Chapter discloses ransomware incident (unknown)
Bosnia and Herzegovina investigating alleged ransomware attack on parliament (unknown)
Tift Regional Medical Center victim of ransomware attack (unknown)
Sierra College investigating scope of latest ransomware incident (unknown)
Denver suburb won’t negotiate with ransomware gang that closed city hall (unknown)
New York Racing Association hit by ransomware (unknown)
TIC International Corporation suffers ransomware attack (unknown)
Malaysian Telecom RedOne hit by DESORDEN ransomware (unknown)
Aoyuan Healthy Life Group hit by ransomware group (unknown)
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Guatemala victim of cyber attack (unknown)
Chilean Judiciary hit in massive ransomware campaign (unknown)
Electricity Company of Ghana systems hacked with ransomware (unknown)
Thailand’s THE ICON GROUP hacked by ransomware group (264,128)
Data breaches
IRS mistakenly posts taxpayers’ data online thanks to human coding error (120,000)
NHS Orkney apologises after data breach (69)
Ringgold School District student data was leaked via email (unknown)
Morgan Stanley to pay $35 million fee for ‘astonishing’ customer data disposal practices (15 million)
Yukon education department accidentally leaks student data (unknown)
Email blunder sees Norfolk school send details of vulnerable children to all pupils (unknown)
Data breach at Canadian Border Agency contractor (1.38 million)
Malicious insiders and miscellaneous incidents
Sensitive data belonging to Loyal Order officials found by a member of the public on street (unknown)
Ocean City therapist used patients’ credit cards for psychic readings
InterContinental Hotels Group confirms cyber attack by ‘vindictive’ couple (unknown)
Health worker photographed patient credit cards and went shopping with them (120)
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