Red Hot Cyber

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Threat Actors: Alleged Data Breach of Ukraine Traffic Police

RHC Dark Lab : 5 July 2024 19:15

Recently, a threat actor in an underground forum published an alleged data breach. The leak purportedly involves sensitive information from the Ukraine traffic police (GAI). The data, spanning millions of entries, was shared on the forum by a user named “Tanaka.” According to the forum post, the leaked dataset includes a comprehensive range of details about vehicle registrations, owners, and other pertinent information.

Al momento, non possiamo confermare la veridicità della notizia, poiché l’organizzazione non ha ancora rilasciato alcun comunicato stampa ufficiale sul proprio sito web riguardo l’incidente. Pertanto, questo articolo deve essere considerato come ‘fonte di intelligence’.

Details of the Alleged Violation

The threat actor claims that the dataset contains 17 million lines and is in the .DAT format, dated May 2023. The headers for the data fields are listed as follows:

  • D_REG
  • DEP
  • VIN
  • KIND
  • BODY
  • FUEL

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    The sample data shared includes numerous entries, detailing vehicle registration numbers, owners, transaction types, dates, vehicle specifications, and other related information.

    Information on the Objective of Threat Actors

    The Ukraine traffic police (GAI) is responsible for managing vehicle registration, traffic regulation enforcement, and related administrative functions across Ukraine. This organization operates nationwide, maintaining a comprehensive database of vehicle and driver information crucial for law enforcement and public safety. The department employs thousands of personnel to oversee and implement traffic laws, manage registrations, and ensure compliance with regulations.

    Implications of the Breach

    The potential implications of such a data breach are significant. If the leaked information is genuine, it could lead to various security risks, including:

    • Identity Theft: Personal information about vehicle owners could be exploited for identity theft.
    • Fraudulent Activities: Fraudsters might use the data to create fake vehicle registrations or sell stolen vehicles.
    • Privacy Concerns: The exposure of personal data could lead to a breach of privacy for millions of individuals.
    • Operational Risks: The integrity of the traffic police’s operations could be compromised, leading to potential disruptions in vehicle registration and law enforcement activities.


    The alleged data breach involving the Ukraine traffic police raises serious concerns about data security and privacy. As the authenticity of this information is still unverified, the incident underscores the critical need for robust cybersecurity measures within governmental institutions to protect sensitive data.

    As is our custom, we always leave room for a statement from the company should they wish to provide us with updates on the matter. We would be happy to publish such information with a specific article highlighting the issue.

    RHC Dark Lab will monitor the evolution of the situation in order to publish further news on the blog, should there be substantial updates. If there are individuals with knowledge of the facts who wish to provide information anonymously, they can use the whistleblower’s encrypted email.

    This article has been compiled based on public information that has not yet been verified by the respective organizations. We will update our readers as more details become available.

    RHC Dark Lab
    RHC Dark Lab is a group of experts from the Red Hot Cyber community dedicated to Cyber Threat Intelligence led by Pietro Melillo. Participating in the collective, Sandro Sana, Alessio Stefan, Raffaela Crisci, Vincenzo Di Lello, Edoardo Faccioli. Their mission is to spread knowledge about cyber threats to improve the country's awareness and digital defences, involving not only specialists in the field but also ordinary people. The aim is to disseminate Cyber Threat Intelligence concepts to anticipate threats.