Red Hot Cyber

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TeamViewer: Irregularity Detected in Internal IT Environment

RHC Dark Lab : 28 June 2024 11:21

TeamViewer, a leading company in the remote access and support software sector, has announced that it has detected an irregularity in its internal IT environment. This event has alarmed both the company and its customers, who are concerned about the security of their data.

Discovery and Immediate Response

The irregularity was discovered thanks to the continuous monitoring of internal systems by TeamViewer’s security team. 

Upon identifying the unusual behavior, the company promptly activated its incident response team and implemented the prescribed emergency procedures.

Product Environment Security

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One of the main concerns among customers is the potential compromise of the product environment and their personal data. TeamViewer has reassured its users by stating that the internal IT environment is completely separate from the product environment. Therefore, there is no indication suggesting an impact on customer data or the integrity of the services offered. “Our primary goal is to ensure the integrity of our systems and the security of our customers’ data,” emphasized the spokesperson. “Investigations are still ongoing, but there is no evidence of compromises outside our internal IT environment.”


The irregularity detected in TeamViewer’s internal IT environment has raised concerns, but the company has demonstrated decisive and transparent action to address the situation. With ongoing investigations and collaboration with cybersecurity experts, TeamViewer is committed to ensuring the highest level of security for its systems and customer data. Maintaining customer trust remains a priority, and transparency in communication is an essential part of their approach to managing this crisis.

RHC Dark Lab
RHC Dark Lab is a group of experts from the Red Hot Cyber community dedicated to Cyber Threat Intelligence led by Pietro Melillo. Participating in the collective, Sandro Sana, Alessio Stefan, Raffaela Crisci, Vincenzo Di Lello, Edoardo Faccioli. Their mission is to spread knowledge about cyber threats to improve the country's awareness and digital defences, involving not only specialists in the field but also ordinary people. The aim is to disseminate Cyber Threat Intelligence concepts to anticipate threats.