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Red Hot Cyber Academy

Sale of a 0Day RCE Exploit for GLPI HelpDesk

Pietro Melillo : 18 July 2024 15:26

Recently, a user on the Breachforums known as “cisc0” posted an announcement regarding the sale of a 0Day exploit for GLPI HelpDesk. According to the user, this exploit works on all versions of the software without exception. The news has raised concerns among cybersecurity professionals and organizations that use this IT service management system.

Description of the Exploit

The user “cisc0” claims that the exploit allows remote code execution (RCE) on all versions of GLPI HelpDesk. This type of vulnerability is particularly dangerous as it enables attackers to execute arbitrary commands on the vulnerable server, potentially gaining full control of the system.

Source Reliability

At the moment, we cannot accurately confirm the veracity of the breach, as the GLPI organization has not yet released any official press statement on their website regarding the incident. Therefore, this article should be considered an ‘intelligence source’ rather than a definitive confirmation of the data breach.

Security Implications

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If confirmed, such an exploit could have serious consequences for organizations using GLPI HelpDesk. System administrators should consider taking preventive measures, such as monitoring systems for suspicious activity, applying security patches as soon as they become available, and, if possible, limiting access to GLPI instances to trusted networks only.


The announcement of the sale of a 0Day exploit for GLPI HelpDesk on Breachforums represents a serious threat to the cybersecurity of organizations using this software. Although the veracity of the vulnerability has not yet been officially confirmed, it is prudent for organizations to adopt preventive measures to protect their systems. Staying updated on official communications and maintaining active vigilance can help mitigate the risks associated with this potential threat.

As is our practice, we always leave room for a statement from the company should they wish to provide updates on the matter. We will be happy to publish such information with a specific article highlighting the issue.

RHC will monitor the evolution of the situation to publish further news on the blog, should there be substantial developments. If there are individuals informed about the facts who wish to provide information anonymously, they can use the encrypted whistleblower email.

Note: This article is based on unconfirmed information and should be considered as a potential intelligence source rather than a definitive verification of the incident.

Pietro Melillo
Head of the Dark Lab group. A Computer Engineer specialised in Cyber Security with a deep passion for Hacking and technology, currently CISO of WURTH Italia, he was responsible for Cyber Threat Intelligence & Dark Web analysis services at IBM, carries out research and teaching activities on Cyber Threat Intelligence topics at the University of Sannio, as a Ph.D, author of scientific papers and development of tools to support cybersecurity activities. Leads the CTI Team "RHC DarkLab"