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Possible Data Breach of the Internal Security Operations Command (ISOC)

Pietro Melillo : 1 July 2024 16:42

A member of BreachForums has announced a significant data breach involving Thailand’s Internal Security Operations Command (ISOC), an agency known as the political arm of the Royal Thai Armed Forces.

Currently, we are unable to accurately confirm the veracity of the breach, as no press release has been issued on the official website regarding the incident. Therefore, this article should be used as an “intelligence source.”

Details of the Breach

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In early 2024, ISOC suffered a data breach that resulted in the compromise of 178 GB of secret documents, project files, video files, and more. This event represents one of the largest data losses for the agency, with potentially significant consequences for the country’s national security and political stability.

Currently, we are unable to accurately confirm the information reported, as no official press release has been issued on the website regarding the incident.

The Nature of the Compromised Data

The volume of compromised data includes:

  • Secret Documents: Confidential information that could include military strategies, intelligence operations, and internal communications.
  • Project Files: Details regarding ongoing or future projects, which could reveal the agency’s strategic plans and objectives.
  • Video Files: Recordings that might contain visual evidence of operations or strategic meetings.

Consequences of the Breach

The disclosure of such information can have a devastating impact on multiple levels:

  • National Security: The revelation of secret documents could compromise military operations and defense strategies.
  • Political Stability: Sensitive information could be used to destabilize the government or undermine trust in institutions.
  • International Relations: The exposed data could include information on diplomatic relations and international agreements, potentially damaging Thailand’s alliances.

Context of the Attack

ISOC, as the political arm of the Royal Thai Armed Forces, plays a crucial role in managing the country’s internal security and political operations. The breach was carried out by a group of hackers who posted an announcement on BreachForums, a well-known forum where stolen data is shared. This type of attack highlights the vulnerability of even high-profile government agencies’ cybersecurity infrastructures.


The ISOC data breach serves as a serious warning about the vulnerability of government agencies’ cybersecurity infrastructures. Immediate measures must be taken to protect sensitive information and prevent further compromises that could have serious repercussions on Thailand’s national security and political stability.

As is our custom, we always leave room for a statement from the company should they wish to provide us with updates on the matter. We will be happy to publish such information with a specific article highlighting the issue.

RHC Dark Lab will monitor the evolution of the situation to publish further news on the blog, should there be substantial updates. If there are people informed about the facts who wish to provide information anonymously, they can use the whistleblower’s encrypted email.

Pietro Melillo
Head of the Dark Lab group. A Computer Engineer specialised in Cyber Security with a deep passion for Hacking and technology, currently CISO of WURTH Italia, he was responsible for Cyber Threat Intelligence & Dark Web analysis services at IBM, carries out research and teaching activities on Cyber Threat Intelligence topics at the University of Sannio, as a Ph.D, author of scientific papers and development of tools to support cybersecurity activities. Leads the CTI Team "RHC DarkLab"