Red Hot Cyber

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Possible breach at Ukraine’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs: the Qilin Ransomware group claims responsibility for the attack

Pietro Melillo : 7 March 2025 17:00

The Qilin Ransomware group claims to have compromised the systems of Ukraine’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, stealing private correspondence, personal information, and official decrees. According to the attackers, some of this data has already been sold to third parties.

At the moment, it is not possible to confirm the veracity of these statements because the organization has not yet released any official press statement on its website regarding the incident. Consequently, the information presented in this article should be treated solely as an intelligence source.

Details of the Alleged Breach

  • Private correspondence: Could include confidential emails and internal communication documents.
  • Personal information: Contact details, sensitive data about staff or other individuals involved.
  • Official decrees: Potentially classified or strategically significant government documents.

Status of the Investigation

  • The absence of an official press release prevents confirming or denying the news.
  • The Qilin Ransomware group claims to have already monetized part of the obtained information by selling it to third parties.
  • No evidence has been published to verify either the sale or the actual contents of the stolen data.


At present, the alleged breach claimed by the Qilin Ransomware group remains unconfirmed by institutional sources. However, given the potentially strategic nature of the stolen data, the gravity of the situation requires careful risk assessment and the implementation of countermeasures by the competent authorities.

Vorresti toccare con mano la Cybersecurity e la tecnologia? Iscriviti GRATIS ai WorkShop Hands-On della RHC Conference 2025 (Giovedì 8 maggio 2025)

Se sei un ragazzo delle scuole medie, superiori o frequenti l'università, oppure se solamente un curioso, il giorno giovedì 8 maggio 2025 presso il teatro Italia di Roma (a due passi dalla stazione termini e dalla metro B di Piazza Bologna), si terranno i workshop "hands-on", creati per far avvicinare i ragazzi alla sicurezza informatica e alla tecnologia. Questo anno i workshop saranno:

  • Creare Un Sistema Ai Di Visual Object Tracking (Hands on)
  • Social Engineering 2.0: Alla Scoperta Delle Minacce DeepFake
  • Doxing Con Langflow: Stiamo Costruendo La Fine Della Privacy?
  • Come Hackerare Un Sito WordPress (Hands on)
  • Il Cyberbullismo Tra Virtuale E Reale
  • Come Entrare Nel Dark Web In Sicurezza (Hands on)

  • Potete iscrivervi gratuitamente all'evento, che è stato creato per poter ispirare i ragazzi verso la sicurezza informatica e la tecnologia.
    Per ulteriori informazioni, scrivi a [email protected] oppure su Whatsapp al 379 163 8765

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    RHC will continue to monitor the situation and publish any further updates if significant information emerges. We invite anyone with relevant details to contact us via the whistleblower’s encrypted email, ensuring the possibility of remaining anonymous.

    Pietro Melillo
    Head of the Dark Lab group. A Computer Engineer specialised in Cyber Security with a deep passion for Hacking and technology, currently CISO of WURTH Italia, he was responsible for Cyber Threat Intelligence & Dark Web analysis services at IBM, carries out research and teaching activities on Cyber Threat Intelligence topics at the University of Sannio, as a Ph.D, author of scientific papers and development of tools to support cybersecurity activities. Leads the CTI Team "RHC DarkLab"