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PoC Released for SQL Injection Without Authentication on WordPress WZone Plugin

Pietro Melillo : 19 July 2024 12:34

A proof of concept (PoC) for a critical vulnerability identified as CVE-2024-33544 has recently been released. This vulnerability involves an unauthenticated SQL injection, which poses a serious threat to the security of many web applications. The National Vulnerability Database (NVD) has published the details of this vulnerability, highlighting the importance of addressing the issue promptly.

Vulnerability Details

CVE-2024-33544 is an SQL Injection vulnerability that allows attackers to execute arbitrary SQL commands on a database without the need for authentication. This type of attack exploits gaps in the validation of user-provided input, allowing the manipulation of SQL queries sent to the database. When exploited, this vulnerability can lead to severe consequences, such as unauthorized access to sensitive data, modification or deletion of data, and in some cases, complete control of the affected system.

Potential Impact

The impact of CVE-2024-33544 is extremely high due to its unauthenticated nature. Attackers do not need access credentials to exploit this vulnerability, making it easily exploitable remotely. Vulnerable systems can include web applications, e-commerce platforms, content management systems, and any other application that interacts with a database through SQL commands.

Proof of Concept (PoC)

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  • Creare Un Sistema Ai Di Visual Object Tracking (Hands on)
  • Social Engineering 2.0: Alla Scoperta Delle Minacce DeepFake
  • Doxing Con Langflow: Stiamo Costruendo La Fine Della Privacy?
  • Come Hackerare Un Sito WordPress (Hands on)
  • Il Cyberbullismo Tra Virtuale E Reale
  • Come Entrare Nel Dark Web In Sicurezza (Hands on)

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    A proof of concept (PoC) for CVE-2024-33544 has been made publicly available online. This PoC demonstrates how the vulnerability can be exploited, providing a practical example of the attack. System administrators and developers can use this PoC to better understand the vulnerability and test the effectiveness of their mitigation measures.


    The CVE-2024-33544 vulnerability represents a significant threat to the security of web applications and the data they handle. The availability of a PoC makes it even more urgent to adopt appropriate security measures. It is crucial that system administrators and developers take immediate steps to mitigate the risks associated with this vulnerability, thus protecting sensitive data and ensuring the operational continuity of their applications.

    For further details on CVE-2024-33544 and mitigation measures, consult the National Vulnerability Database.

    Pietro Melillo
    Head of the Dark Lab group. A Computer Engineer specialised in Cyber Security with a deep passion for Hacking and technology, currently CISO of WURTH Italia, he was responsible for Cyber Threat Intelligence & Dark Web analysis services at IBM, carries out research and teaching activities on Cyber Threat Intelligence topics at the University of Sannio, as a Ph.D, author of scientific papers and development of tools to support cybersecurity activities. Leads the CTI Team "RHC DarkLab"