Pietro Melillo : 10 July 2024 15:11
Today, the ransomware gang known as Meow has claimed responsibility for a cyberattack on the multinational giant Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE).
The claim was published on their Data Leak Site (DLS), where the group offered access to an alleged confidential HPE database for $199.
Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) is one of the leading global technology companies, established as a result of the split of Hewlett-Packard Company in November 2015. Hewlett-Packard, founded by Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard in 1939, was divided into two separate entities: HP Inc., which focuses primarily on printers and personal computers, and Hewlett Packard Enterprise, which focuses on enterprise services and solutions.
Iscriviti GRATIS alla RHC Conference 2025 (Venerdì 9 maggio 2025)
Il giorno Venerdì 9 maggio 2025 presso il teatro Italia di Roma (a due passi dalla stazione termini e dalla metro B di Piazza Bologna), si terrà
la RHC Conference 2025. Si tratta dell’appuntamento annuale gratuito, creato dalla community di RHC, per far accrescere l’interesse verso le tecnologie digitali, l’innovazione digitale e la consapevolezza del rischio informatico.
La giornata inizierà alle 9:30 (con accoglienza dalle 9:00) e sarà interamente dedicata alla RHC Conference, un evento di spicco nel campo della sicurezza informatica. Il programma prevede un panel con ospiti istituzionali che si terrà all’inizio della conferenza. Successivamente, numerosi interventi di esperti nazionali nel campo della sicurezza informatica si susseguiranno sul palco fino alle ore 19:00 circa, quando termineranno le sessioni. Prima del termine della conferenza, ci sarà la premiazione dei vincitori della Capture The Flag prevista per le ore 18:00.
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According to the post on the DLS, the database contains highly valuable confidential data that the Meow gang obtained through a targeted attack. However, it is currently not possible to confirm the authenticity of the breach. Hewlett Packard Enterprise has not yet released any official press statement on their website regarding the incident. This raises doubts about the legitimacy of the claims made by the Meow gang.
In the published message, the Meow gang invites potential buyers not to miss the opportunity to access HPE’s confidential data at a “reasonable” price.
The description on the site states:
“Don’t miss this unique chance to access confidential data from Hewlett Packard Enterprise at an affordable price. Simply click the ‘Buy’ button and provide your contact information for registration. Our team will ensure a smooth and confidential transaction.”
The Meow ransomware group recently emerged as one of the new threats in the cybersecurity landscape. Although information about their origins is limited, the first reports of their activities date back to late 2023. The group quickly became known for their aggressive and targeted attacks against high-profile companies, using sophisticated techniques to infiltrate systems and encrypt sensitive data.
Despite their recent appearance, Meow has already claimed numerous attacks against organizations in various sectors. One of the most notable attacks was against Hewlett Packard Enterprise, as described earlier. Other targets include financial institutions, technology companies, and critical infrastructure, demonstrating their capability to hit high-value targets.
If the attack is confirmed, it could have serious implications for Hewlett Packard Enterprise, one of the world’s leading technology companies. The breach of confidential data could expose sensitive information regarding clients, partners, and business operations, causing significant damage to the company’s reputation and potential financial losses. At this time, we cannot confirm the authenticity of the breach, as the organization has not yet released any official press statement on their website regarding the incident. Therefore, this article should be considered as a ‘source of intelligence’.
Despite the lack of official confirmations, Meow’s claim represents an important intelligence source that companies and cybersecurity professionals need to consider carefully. We await further updates from Hewlett Packard Enterprise to understand the actual extent of the incident and the measures the company intends to take to address it. In an increasingly interconnected and technology-dependent world, cybersecurity remains a fundamental priority to prevent attacks that can have devastating consequences. As is our custom, we always leave space for a statement from the company should they wish to provide us with updates on the matter. We will be happy to publish such information with a specific article highlighting the issue. RHC will monitor the evolution of the incident to publish further news on the blog, should there be substantial developments. If there are individuals informed about the facts who wish to provide information anonymously, they can use the encrypted whistleblower email.