Pietro Melillo : 25 August 2024 10:05
On August 24, 2024, French authorities arrested Pavel Durov, the founder and CEO of Telegram, at Le Bourget Airport. Durov, a 39-year-old Franco-Russian citizen, had just arrived from Azerbaijan on his private jet. Accompanied by his bodyguard and a woman, he was apprehended by officers from the Gendarmerie des Transports Aériens (GTA). The arrest warrant had been issued by the French National Directorate of Judicial Police.
French authorities accuse Durov of complicity in criminal activities conducted through Telegram. The main charges include terrorism, drug trafficking, and fraud. According to investigators, the Telegram platform does not adequately moderate content and fails to cooperate sufficiently with law enforcement, thus facilitating the platform’s use for illegal purposes.
Investigators believe that Durov’s presence in France was a strategic mistake. In recent years, the Telegram founder had avoided Europe, preferring to visit countries like the United Arab Emirates, former Soviet republics, and South America. His presence in Paris allowed French authorities to proceed with the arrest.
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In the coming hours, Durov will have to appear before a judge to answer the charges. Possible indictments include terrorism, drug trafficking, fraud, and money laundering. Investigators predict that Durov will be placed in custody, given the seriousness of the accusations.
Durov’s arrest has two primary objectives. First, French authorities aim to deter criminals from using Telegram for illegal activities. Second, they intend to pressure other European countries to increase cooperation in the fight against criminal and terrorist content online.