Electronic warfare (EW) between the USA, China, South and North Korea (part two)
Olivia Terragni - December 17th, 2021
Author: Olivia TerragniPubblication Date: 13/12/2021 Given that North Korean cyberattacks are not a future threat, but already a FACT, we are already wondering how to deal with the election of...

North Korea’s cyberwarfare and its cyber army (part one)
Olivia Terragni - December 17th, 2021
Author: Olivia Terragni Pubblication date: 13/12/2021 During the night, only one bright spot lights up in North Korea: the city of Pyongyang. Perhaps, due to the dark that surrounds it,...

Making the cyber world a safer and better place: an interview with W1ntermute
Olivia Terragni - November 12th, 2021
Author: Olivia terragni Pubblication Date: 11/11/2021 W1ntermute aka Sofya Ivanov is a woman who works in the cybersecurity industry as a network security analyst and open-source intelligence (OSINT) specialist. This...

Ada Lovelace and Charles Babbage, pioneers of programmable computing
Antonio Piovesan - October 4th, 2021
Author: Antonio Piovesan Pubblication date: 28/09/2021 Introduction - Age of machines Great Britain, middle decades of the 19th century, times of unprecedented engineering ambitions. Engineering, transportation, communications, architecture, science and...
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