Red Hot Cyber

Cybersecurity is about sharing. Recognize the risk, combat it, share your experiences, and encourage others to do better than you.

- March 18th, 2025 - (Posted in Cyber politics)
Politics, information technology, and privacy. A triad continually seeking balance with a history of conflict that originates from the introduction of personal computers at the consumer level. Attempts by the U.S. government in preventing access to “strong enough” cryptography for foreign nationals and states were numerous from 1990 onward. Dubbed...

Satoshi Nakamoto: let’s discover the mysterious inventor of Bitcoin.

- January 27th, 2022

Autore: Brolli Massimiliano Translate: Vincenzo Marcovecchio Pubblication date: 1/06/2021 The true identity of the creator of Bitcoin is one of the greatest mysteries in the tech world. Over the years,...


Nuclear rearmament, cyber guerrillas and cyber crime.

- January 10th, 2022

Author: Roberto Villani Tanslate: Vincenzo Marcovecchio Pubblication date: 19/12/2021 Why will the cyberg wars, indeed the cyber-guerrillas, be more and more present and involve us more and more? The short...


Why privacy does not exist.

- December 18th, 2021

Author Massimiliano Brolli Translation: Vincenzo Marcovecchio Pubblication date: 18/12/2021 Privacy, privacy, privacy, ... privacy comes first. How many times have we heard this sentence? Yes, because we talk a lot...


Electronic warfare (EW) between the USA, China, South and North Korea (part two)

- December 17th, 2021

Author: Olivia TerragniPubblication Date: 13/12/2021 Given that North Korean cyberattacks are not a future threat, but already a FACT, we are already wondering how to deal with the election of...


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