Red Hot Cyber

Cybersecurity is about sharing. Recognize the risk, combat it, share your experiences, and encourage others to do better than you.

- March 18th, 2025 - (Posted in Cyber politics)
Politics, information technology, and privacy. A triad continually seeking balance with a history of conflict that originates from the introduction of personal computers at the consumer level. Attempts by the U.S. government in preventing access to “strong enough” cryptography for foreign nationals and states were numerous from 1990 onward. Dubbed...

Mathematics Meets Programming: A transformation journey

- March 11th, 2024

Discover the Magic of Programming Through the Charm of Mathematics: A Journey of Growth and Learning Good morning everyone, I’m Davide Cavallini, Senior Programmer and Penetration Tester  This article was written...


Scam Alert: How I Almost Fell for a Million-Dollar

- March 9th, 2024

My name is Elena and I am a 35-year-old housewife. One day, while I was checking my email, I found a mail that caught my attention. The sender introduced himself...


The First Message Sent in the History of the Internet

- February 22nd, 2024

Original Publication Date: Massimiliano Brolli, 25 September 2021 Today, exchanging a message through WhatsApp or Skype is a normal gesture, part of the activities we carry out in our daily...


HijackLoader Expands Techniques to Improve Defense Evasion 

- February 22nd, 2024

Donato Onofri e Emanuele Calvelli Endpoint Security & XDR CrowdStrike. HijackLoader continues to become increasingly popular among adversaries for deploying additional payloads and tooling A recent HijackLoader variant employs sophisticated techniques to...


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