Red Hot Cyber

Cybersecurity is about sharing. Recognize the risk, combat it, share your experiences, and encourage others to do better than you.

- September 21st, 2024 - (Posted in Cybercrime and Darknet)
Recently, a threat actor on a dark web forum has posted a claim regarding an alleged data breach involving The post, made by a user named "l33tfg," asserts that sensitive information from the White House's official website has been leaked. According to the post, the data includes emails, names,...

Hacker gang OPERA1ER stole $11 million from African companies

- November 7th, 2022

Amsterdam, 07.11.2022 — Group-IB has today issued a new report, “OPERA1ER. Playing God without permission,” in collaboration withthe researchers from Orange CERT Coordination Center. The report takes a deep dive into financially motivated attacks of...


The Inventor of the P101 explains to us why Italy is destined to be a perennial “follower”

- September 6th, 2022

Author: Massimiliano BrolliOriginal Publication Date: 12/12/2020Translator: Tara Lie Pier Giorgio Perotto (for those who do not know of him) was an Italian electronics pioneer. In the 60’s he worked for Olivetti,...


RHC interviews LockBit 3.0. “The main thing is not to start a nuclear war”

- July 26th, 2022

Translator: Tara Lie We often talk about the LockBit Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS) operation, recently remodelled as LockBit 3.0, which continues to bring important innovations to the ransomware cyber circus. Often these new...


The Superuser Story – The History of #root

- July 26th, 2022

Author: Massimiliano BrolliTranslator: Tara Lie In the beginning there was the Word… Computers, before passing into the era of transistors, were cyclopean machines - heavy and hungry for electricity. They used thermionic...


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