
Red Hot Cyber

Cybersecurity is about sharing. Recognize the risk, combat it, share your experiences, and encourage others to do better than you.

The Red Hot Cyber community

The Red Hot Cyber community is made up of a collection of people who actively collaborate, with different roles, to create targeted content focused on information security and technology, with the aim of spreading awareness and culture, and generating a mentality of widespread attention to IT risk and technology in general. All free of any political contamination.

Gli articoli su Red Hot Cyber sono stati realizzati da 87 persone

Luca Vinciguerra
Luca Vinciguerra

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Roland Kapidani
Roland Kapidani
I have been working in the IT field since 2004, with a particular focus on Networking. Since 2010, I have been working for Guglielmo SRL, where I hold the role of CISO. I am also the CEO of a specialized service desk company.

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Christian Moccia
Christian Moccia
Professional ethical hacker, founder of white hat company and group TITAN Security. He embarked on his career at a very young age by winning numerous awards in national CTF competitions following an experience as a malware writer.

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Achille Pierre Paliotta
Achille Pierre Paliotta
Senior researcher at INAPP (former ISFOL). Degree in Sociology from the University of Rome "La Sapienza", Master in Data Science (DS) from the University of Rome "Tor Vergata" in 2015 and Master in Cybersecurity (SIIS) from the University of Rome "La Sapienza" in 2021. He conducts studies and research on technological innovation, cyber intelligence, cybersecurity, and sociological issues in general.

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Francesco Adriani
Francesco Adriani
Computer engineer with over ten years of experience in industrial automation and IT security. IT consultant and teacher at state secondary school, where he trains future generations of digital professionals. He collaborates with Red Hot Cyber as a populariser, sharing his knowledge on cyber security, automation and IoT. ComptiaSec+. Profilo Linkedin dell'Autore

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Ashleigh Crause
Ashleigh Crause
Ashleigh is a freelance writer exploring OSINT, hacking culture, and the psychological impact of digital media. With a keen eye for human behavior and a detail-oriented perspective shaped by Asperger’s, they cut through misinformation and decode the digital world.

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Alex Necula
Alex Necula
Cyber Security Specialist at ACS Data Systems SPA

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Simone Valenti
Simone Valenti

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Marco Mazzola
Marco Mazzola

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Sergio Corpettini
Sergio Corpettini

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